Surround Yourself with the Right People

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my parents is to surround yourself with the right people. My parents had several family members and friends who they were very close to. They would get together with them on a regualr basis, for date night, to play cards, go to dinner, or just hang out. Here is a photo taken of my dad, Jim and Paul. We estimate this photo was taken sometime in the early 70s. This friendship lasted more than 60 years when all three men died within moths of each other. They were there for each other through marriage, children, businesses struggling and then succeeding, through life's most difficult challenges and greatest successes.     I am blessed to have similar friendships. I have a few close girlfriends, who I see on a (not regular enough) basis. Just as with my parents close friends, these ladies have played a vital role in my life. They've laughed with me, cried…

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