Weary & Broken-Hearted

Do you find yourself weary and broken-hearted right now?  Are you tired of opening your phone, or turning on the news and seeing updates of the death and destruction in Ukraine?  Innocent people, fighting for their right to freedom being slaughtered by evil.   Are you stressed over the rising cost of living, the racial tensions, the fear of what is to come? Every person I talk to is at least a little bit tired and worn out, myself included. We are worn out from war, the pandemic, the drama, the politics, inflation, the hate, anger and frustration of people, the evil in the world that seems to be winning, and the list goes on and on.  It seems like every time we turn around there is something negative being thrown at us.  It is exhausting.  Many people feel helpless.  But the truth is, there IS something you can do about it. I'd like to offer you a few suggestions of things I find…

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