One of the most important parts of finding a coach is making sure you connect with them.  There needs to be a level of trust.  To build that trust, you need to get to know each other. 

So here I am.   

My name is Mary Ann Marko. I currently reside in Savage, Minnesota (a southwest suburb of Minneapolis).  I’m here because I believe each of us has potential to do amazing things. Often, we let our own limiting beliefs, assumptions, interpretations, and negative self-talk prevent us from reaching our maximum potential.  


I made the decision to become a leadership and success coach because I believe, through my coach training, life experience and passion to make a difference, I can help you work towards becoming an amazing leader and the best version of yourself.


Others have described me as: 

Giving, Caring, Compassionate, Smiles, Inspiring, Kind, Genuine, Positive, Encouraging, Energetic, Committed, Real, Loyal, Ambitious, & Waggish (I had to look this one up). 


Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a brief glimpse of my life in pictures.